Drama Book Action Bundle
Get our two most popular drama books for only €25!
Drama in Action - €15
Written by the ever talented Ciara Phelan, Drama in Action is a handbook of drama activities for teachers, parents and students, perfect for primary school children. It is filled with practical suggestions for your drama session, with ideas for simple games, whole group projects on a variety of themes, and further ideas incorporating arts & crafts & more! The book is designed to be a starting point for your journey into drama in education, using well-loved themes and stories.
All of the ideas in the book are tried and tested over 30 years at Arclight Drama Studio.
Shakespeare in Action - €15
Shakespeare in Action is a book of monologues and fun & interesting facts about Shakespeare’s most famous plays. Compiled by Paul Cullen and beautifully illustrated by Alan Nolan, this is a must-have for any acting student.
We wish you fun & magic in your classes!!